Amanda Frances Rich as F*ck money book Chapter 4 - How to know when you become a match for money? Completion occurs way before you see it in your world, before it manifests on your plane. It is done when you decide it is done and you know it is done." "Money is stable. Money is reliable. Money is consistent. Money is readily available. It simple is. Because of that ....I trust it. I trust money, but what I am really trusting is me." Amanda Debunking money beliefs. Shaming people who spend money. "When we operate from shame, we perpetuate a cycle of unworthiness. It's time to release shame and guilt around who we are, and who we should be. Self acceptance is the most effective and loving way to begin to create new pattens, perceptions and new reality." - Amanda Frances One of my top 3 favorite books. It's more than a money book, it's a book to share how to use spiritual laws of universe to actualize whatever you desire. Money principles will work on any topic. I perceive Amanda to be the real deal, her energy makes my heart sing. She is a multidimensional soul sister. Amanda is not only self made multi millionaire, but what I like even more, she calls out bullshit to programs - like 'you are too young', 'you have no entrepreneur experience', and on on on. She is will not be defined by programs. The book club play list will include me sharing pieces that I love. I share how I receive her information. #richasfu*ck #moneybookclub #lawofattractionmoney #sabrinabrightstar #keepyourhandinyourskirtmindsetmakeover #abrahamhicks #accessconsciousness #amandafrances #moneybook Join my Keep Your Hand In Your Skirt Mindset Makeover Learn to Raise your SELF VALUE. Raise, Sustain and Repeat! Increase your self esteem and change your set point. https://www.keepyourhandinyourskirtla...
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