![]() We will explore the fascinating world of 3D family patterns and triggers, and how they impact our journey into 5D consciousness. We will delve deep into understanding how our familial upbringing shapes our emotional regulation and growth, as well as the importance of acknowledging and processing our emotions to reach higher states of consciousness. Our upbringing and family dynamics play a significant role in shaping our belief systems, thought patterns, and emotional responses. Discover how our 3D family programs can create limiting beliefs, emotional triggers, and patterns of behavior that hinder our progress towards higher consciousness. Recognizing the patterns and triggers that arise from our 3D family programs is crucial as they greatly impact our emotional well-being and spiritual growth. Explore the most common patterns and triggers such as fears, insecurities, feelings of unworthiness, and resistance to change. To truly ascend into 5D consciousness, we must first acknowledge and heal the emotional wounds caused by these patterns and triggers. Learn valuable tips and techniques for processing and releasing these emotions, including meditation, journaling, and seeking support from healers or therapists. This journey towards higher states of consciousness also involves honoring our inner child, cultivating emotional maturity, and expanding into 4th and 5D awareness. Join us as we embark on this transformative journey of self-exploration and growth.
![]() Are you a perfectionist? Do you feel the constant need to meet unrealistic standards and expectations? Well, it's time to leave perfectionism behind and embrace the 5D transformation. We are all imperfect beings. It's impossible to be perfect, yet we strive for it and expect others to be perfect as well. Perfectionism is a 3D program that keeps us feeling disconnected and critical of ourselves and others. The collective consciousness agreed to judge ourselves, as we all miss the mark of being perfect. But, we can change this perception and free ourselves from it by becoming aware that trying to be perfect is a 3D program. Perfectionism is a toxic trait that can affect our mental and emotional well-being, and it is time to break free from it. We need to stop demanding and getting triggered by other people's imperfections, and in turn, embrace our own. Relationships change when we accept imperfections and stop expecting unrealistic standards from ourselves and others. The 5D transformation is about shifting from a fear-based mindset to a love-based mindset. It is about embracing our flaws, being authentic, and knowing that we are all interconnected. When we break free from the 3D program of perfectionism, we can start living in the 5D and experience unconditional love, joy, and peace. So, leave perfectionism behind and embrace the 5D transformation. It's time to start living authentically, free from the fear-based mindset of perfectionism. We are all imperfect We are all imperfect beings, and that's what makes us unique. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with images of perfection, it's important to remember that perfection is an illusion. Perfectionism is a 3D program Perfectionism is a toxic trait that can affect our mental and emotional well-being. It is a 3D program designed to keep us feeling disconnected and critical of ourselves and others. The Collective Consciousness agreed to judge ourselves. The collective consciousness agreed to judge ourselves as we all miss the mark of being perfect. But, we can change this perception and free ourselves from it by becoming aware that trying to be perfect is a 3D program. Leave perfectionism behind. It's time to leave perfectionism behind and embrace our imperfections. When we stop expecting unrealistic standards from ourselves and others, we can start living authentically and experience unconditional love, joy, and peace. Embrace the 5D Transformation The 5D transformation is about shifting from a fear-based mindset to a love-based mindset. It is about embracing our flaws, being authentic, and knowing that we are all interconnected. Unlocking the Mysteries of 3D to 5D Relationships: Exploring Thought Patterns and Jealousy7/26/2023 Hey there, fellow spiritual seekers! Welcome back to my channel, where we dive deep into the realm of metaphysics, consciousness, and self-improvement. In today's mind-bending episode, we are going to uncover the secrets of relationships as we explore the fascinating shift from 3D to 5D dimensions. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, enlightenment, and great spiritual awakening!
In the 3rd dimension, relationships are often governed by ego, competition, and fear. It's a place where jealousy frequently rears its ugly head. In this limited perspective, we tend to believe that love is scarce, and our worth is dependent on external validation. We find ourselves trapped in patterns of possessiveness, control and unhealthy comparisons. But fear not, my friends! As we delve deeper into our understanding of relationships, we enter the 4th dimension, a space where time becomes fluid, and unconditional love begins to emerge. This dimension is all about introspection, healing, and personal growth. We start to question our own beliefs and realize that true love is abundant and authentic. Jealousy starts losing its grip as we embrace the concept of self-love and acceptance. Finally, we ascend to the 5th dimension, the realm of pure consciousness and divine connection. In this dimension, relationships transcend the boundaries of the physical world. We perceive ourselves as energetic beings, vibrating at a higher frequency. Jealousy becomes a thing of the past, replaced by trust, unity, and heartfelt compassion. We tap into the infinite well of love that resides within us and radiate it outwards, attracting harmonious and fulfilling relationships. So, how can we make this transformative journey from 3D to 5D in our own relationships? It starts with self-awareness and self-love. As we shed our limiting beliefs and embrace our true authentic selves, we naturally align with higher vibrations. Meditation, mindfulness, and conscious communication become powerful tools on this path of evolution. We also learn to let go and trust the divine timing of the universe. We release attachment to outcomes, surrendering control and allowing love to flow effortlessly. When we shift our focus from fear-based thoughts to a mindset of abundance and gratitude, miracles happen. Our relationships become a reflection of the divine love that exists within us. And there you have it, my awakened friends! The journey from 3D to 5D relationships is a profound one, but it brings forth a world of infinite possibilities and deep connections. Open your heart, expand your consciousness, and watch as your relationships transform before your eyes. Remember, you are a magnificent being capable of experiencing love in its purest form. Stay tuned for more enlightening content, and don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to my channel for your regular dose of spiritual wisdom. Until next time, stay enlightened and keep shining your light! https://sabrinabrightstar.com/ #UnlockingRelationships #ThoughtPatterns #Jealousy Let’s collectively get high. But not the kind that you think. Let’s achieve a true sense of joy by replacing a artificial high with a natural high by raising our vibration. The kind of high in life that will help you actualize your dream life and bring you closer to your higher self.
One of the best ways to bring your dreams to reality is to consciously manifest them. It’s assumed that manifestation brings joy, peace, and gratitude. But what if experiencing these feelings is the key to unlocking your manifestation? You don’t manifest to feel happiness. You’re happy and that’s why you’re able to manifest your dream life. From a scientific perspective, there are certain chemicals in your mind that determine whether you feel joy, gratitude, or sadness. The 4 main chemicals in your brain related to happiness are oxytocin, dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin. But how are these chemicals related to what you want to manifest? Like I said before, your current state of mind determines whether you can bring your manifestations to reality. Everything is made up of energy, including living and non-living things. Your energy is the language in which you communicate with the universe. The energy that you put out is what you attract. Everyone has a unique energy and no two energies can be the same. But each energy vibrates at a certain frequency which can match other energies in the universe. The frequency at which your energy vibrates will determine what you attract. This is called the law of vibration. Understanding and implicating this law is the most crucial part of your manifestation and here’s why: When you’re sad, you are vibrating at a lower frequency. Your brain isn’t releasing enough happy chemicals. When you’re happy, you’re vibrating at a higher frequency. Your mind is producing more happy chemicals which means you’re putting out good energy in the universe. You attract things and experiences that are in harmony with you. Your energy needs to feel at one with the things you're trying to manifest. Do you want to travel more? Start with exploring your city. Your happiness lies within you and when you start to tap into it, you start to manifest materialistic things and experiences. Tapping into those 4 chemicals will help you feel the happiness which will eventually lead to your manifestations. When you first explore manifestation you start to develop an expansive version of yourself. You start to believe in yourself and the things you want. You trust and build faith in the universe. A part of you is enthusiastic about the goals, but there’s also another side that’s holding you back. Over the years you have developed a set of beliefs. Some are positive, while others are negative. The negative set of beliefs creates resistance and that’s why not all manifestations come to reality. Everyone has their own set of beliefs that hold them back and it creates deep frustration. These beliefs stem from childhood traumas, deeply rooted cultural families, friends, teachers, and anyone else with whom you might share a connection. Your deeply rooted belief and faith are what determine your vibration. So if your faith stems from a lack mentality, your energy is vibrating at a lower frequency. These negative beliefs disturb your frequency and hence fail to make your dreams a reality. For example, if as a kid you have seen your parents fighting over money, you have experienced poverty, your father believes he can only earn an average income a year, your mind picks up these traits and starts believing them as a reality. But the truth is that your reality is what you believe. So now your mind believes that you’re only capable of earning an average income. No matter how many start-ups or jobs you try, you won’t be able to excel at those things. Your mind won’t allow you to come across any extraordinary opportunities because you don’t believe in them. You create immense resistance in your manifestations. The change might not come easy. Even if you’re aware of a negative belief, it can be difficult to let it go. Simply because it’s comfortable and familiar. Looking inward, realising your limiting beliefs, accepting yourself, and then working towards changing your deep-rooted faith will bring you on a resistance-free path. When you start working on changing your beliefs, you will slowly notice an improvement in your mood. You feel lighter and more positive. While you’re in the process of changing, make sure to go easy on yourself. Accept who you are, love yourself despite your flaws, and start small. Don’t expect your fears to heal within a day or two. It could take a few weeks, months, or even years. Depending on how deep these fears are. You cannot be a millionaire in one day, but you can start to increase your income by 2000 dollars a month and then continue building from there. This positive change in mindset will then help you uplift your emotions. The frequency at which you vibrate will slowly but surely start building and growing. When this happens you will start experiencing life differently. You come across unexpected opportunities, you feel easier and more aligned with your goals, you’re unafraid to set higher goals and go after them. Taking action becomes easier and you start believing in yourself instead of your fears. But how do you tap into these emotions, chemicals, and changes in your brain? That’s why I’ve built this 12-day challenge to raise your vibe. I’ve designed common games in a specific manner to make sure your energy is at its highest frequency. Raising your energy with games such as truth or dare will get you high on happy chemicals in no time. Allow what’s meant for you and welcome beautiful manifestations into your vortex. Experience different forms of high that comes from positive experiences, healing your wounds, and quality relationships. Sign up today and experience unlimited happiness, joy, and fun! It's free for a limited time! Click Here to Receive - https://www.sabrinabrightstar.com/offers/SsGbYxtF/checkout Amanda Frances Rich as F*ck money book https://amandafrances.com/ Chapter 4 - How to know when you become a match for money? Completion occurs way before you see it in your world, before it manifests on your plane. It is done when you decide it is done and you know it is done." "Money is stable. Money is reliable. Money is consistent. Money is readily available. It simple is. Because of that ....I trust it. I trust money, but what I am really trusting is me." Amanda Debunking money beliefs. Shaming people who spend money. "When we operate from shame, we perpetuate a cycle of unworthiness. It's time to release shame and guilt around who we are, and who we should be. Self acceptance is the most effective and loving way to begin to create new pattens, perceptions and new reality." - Amanda Frances One of my top 3 favorite books. It's more than a money book, it's a book to share how to use spiritual laws of universe to actualize whatever you desire. Money principles will work on any topic. I perceive Amanda to be the real deal, her energy makes my heart sing. She is a multidimensional soul sister. Amanda is not only self made multi millionaire, but what I like even more, she calls out bullshit to programs - like 'you are too young', 'you have no entrepreneur experience', and on on on. She is will not be defined by programs. The book club play list will include me sharing pieces that I love. I share how I receive her information. #richasfu*ck #moneybookclub #lawofattractionmoney #sabrinabrightstar #keepyourhandinyourskirtmindsetmakeover #abrahamhicks #accessconsciousness #amandafrances #moneybook Join my Keep Your Hand In Your Skirt Mindset Makeover Learn to Raise your SELF VALUE. Raise, Sustain and Repeat! Increase your self esteem and change your set point. https://www.sabrinabrightstar.com/ https://www.keepyourhandinyourskirtla... Cults
When you give your power away to someone or something else you are in a cult like mindset. Cult like mindset happen across the spectrum - from extreme mind control to subtle mind control. If you need outside validation to feel worthy or good about yourself, you are in a cult like mindset. Why are people attracted? How to help someone who is in a cult? Please listen to 'A Little Bit Culty' podcast - Bentinho Massaro Sucks Part 1 https://shows.acast.com/a-little-bit-culty/episodes/bentinho-massaro-sucks-part-1 A Little Bit Culty is hosted by Sarah Edmondson and Anthony "Nippy" Ames. They are whistle blowers in HBO series "The Vow" "No one joins a cult, people join a good thing." Control and manipulation happen on a spectrum. Extreme cases include giving away your money, your rights, your body, and your choices. More subtle control and manipulation takes place when a person chooses to cut off (sacrifice) a piece of themself for someone or something. Looking for outside validation, approval or permission is an indicator you are giving your personal power away. How can you help a person in a cult? Listen and support them. Guilt trips, shaming or forcing someone to leave does not work. Trust your loved one is going to get to the other side. Believe they are resilient and when they are ready, they will start to take steps to break free and have a break through. Control and manipulation develop in layers. Unpacking it and healing from it, also happens in layers and levels. https://www.sabrinabrightstar.com/ #cults #bentinho #benthinhobox #culty #alittlebitcultypodcast #JehovahWitnessescult #sabrinabrightstar #bentinhomassarocult #thevowcult #cultorganizations Breath in the intention to regulate your nervous system.
Breath in the intention to connect to your higher mind. Breath in the intention to relax your body and expand your receiving love abilities. Exhale stress and anxiety. Exhale limiting thoughts and patterns that no longer serve you. Exhale fear based beliefs. Go on a journey in your minds eye and experience the colors, smells, sounds, texture and taste of nature. The Earth wishes to contribute to you. Open yourself and receive the contribution and unconditional love from the Earth. Expand your abilities to perceive more, be more, know more and receive more. The side effect will you, you naturally extend this love and awareness to everyone who comes in contact with you. Be the gift of you, by knowing your worth, your value and the truth. The truth is, you matter because you do. You are worthy because you are. No hard work required. No proving yourself required. Know your worth, change your set point and the side effect will be - you contribute to the world and All That Is. https://www.sabrinabrightstar.com/ https://www.keepyourhandinyourskirtla... http://www.allthingslawofattraction.com/ Amanda Frances
Rich as F*ck money book https://amandafrances.com/ One of my top 3 favorite books. It's more than a money book, it's a book to share how to use spiritual laws of universe to actualize whatever you desire. Money principles will work on any topic. I perceive Amanda to be the real deal, her energy makes my heart sing. She is a multidimensional soul sister. Amanda is not only self made multi millionaire, but what I like even more, she calls out bullshit to programs - like 'you are too young', 'you have no entrepreneur experience', and on on on. She is will not be defined by programs. The book club play list will include me sharing pieces that I love. I share how I receive her information. Join my Keep Your Hand In Your Skirt Mindset Makeover Learn to Raise your SELF VALUE. Raise, Sustain and Repeat! Increase your self esteem and change your set point. https://www.sabrinabrightstar.com/ https://www.keepyourhandinyourskirtladies.com/ I am thinking thoughts that do not serve me. I wish I would stop thinking about certain topics. How do I stop thinking about that person or situation?
Thought patterns. Dr Joe has amazing information to explain why I feel stuck. If you are not able to release a thought that no longer serves you, there is a great reason! Yahoo! I love it when I understand why I am having a challenge. I can let go of self judgment. Self judgment only creates more thought patterns that do not serve me. Dr Joe explains our thoughts create wiring patterns. Then our body adapts and become comfortable with that pattern. Now when you decide to pull in new thoughts, even if the new thoughts are better for your body, your body wants to stay with familiar patterns. Your body will try to pull you back. In other words, every time you introduce new and improved thoughts, there will be a period of discomfort. Having this awareness will help. We can just observe it. Open ended questions wire and re wire new patterns! Ask more and more open ended questions What if...........? Joe's videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=md0SadhXqxs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lbnrRqBjgE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TcU7Gu1k4Y Sabrina Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYNjlUvfPmDr2hCm1gjcIAA Sabrina's website https://www.sabrinabrightstar.com/ https://www.keepyourhandinyourskirt.com/ Do your thoughts and beliefs create your reality? Or does your reality create your thoughts and beliefs?
Can both be true? If you had no judgement, could you allow both to be true. Once you have awareness, then you have choice. You can choose what works for you. Join me as I start a book club on my youtube channel, Sabrina Brightstar. Book Club Playlist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaFa5uKjhxE&list=PLWQ82gHWw0SyyTrahlVYN4dhpTHv7sAfC Amanda Frances Rich as F*ck book https://amandafrances.com/ One of my top 3 favorite books. It's more than a money book, it's a book to share how to use spiritual law of universe to actualize whatever you desire. Money principles will work on any topic. I perceive Amanda to be the real deal, her energy makes my heart sing. She is my multidimensional soul sister - even though I have never talked to her. Amanda is not only self made multi millionaire, but what I like even more, is she calls out bullshit to programs - like 'you are too young', 'you have no entreapeuner experience', and on on on. She is will not be defined by programs. The book club play list will include me sharing pieces that I love. I share how I receive her information. https://www.sabrinabrightstar.com/ https://www.keepyourhandinyourskirtladies.com/ |
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