When you give your power away to someone or something else you are in a cult like mindset. Cult like mindset happen across the spectrum - from extreme mind control to subtle mind control. If you need outside validation to feel worthy or good about yourself, you are in a cult like mindset. Why are people attracted? How to help someone who is in a cult? Please listen to 'A Little Bit Culty' podcast - Bentinho Massaro Sucks Part 1 A Little Bit Culty is hosted by Sarah Edmondson and Anthony "Nippy" Ames. They are whistle blowers in HBO series "The Vow" "No one joins a cult, people join a good thing." Control and manipulation happen on a spectrum. Extreme cases include giving away your money, your rights, your body, and your choices. More subtle control and manipulation takes place when a person chooses to cut off (sacrifice) a piece of themself for someone or something. Looking for outside validation, approval or permission is an indicator you are giving your personal power away. How can you help a person in a cult? Listen and support them. Guilt trips, shaming or forcing someone to leave does not work. Trust your loved one is going to get to the other side. Believe they are resilient and when they are ready, they will start to take steps to break free and have a break through. Control and manipulation develop in layers. Unpacking it and healing from it, also happens in layers and levels. #cults #bentinho #benthinhobox #culty #alittlebitcultypodcast #JehovahWitnessescult #sabrinabrightstar #bentinhomassarocult #thevowcult #cultorganizations
Breath in the intention to regulate your nervous system.
Breath in the intention to connect to your higher mind. Breath in the intention to relax your body and expand your receiving love abilities. Exhale stress and anxiety. Exhale limiting thoughts and patterns that no longer serve you. Exhale fear based beliefs. Go on a journey in your minds eye and experience the colors, smells, sounds, texture and taste of nature. The Earth wishes to contribute to you. Open yourself and receive the contribution and unconditional love from the Earth. Expand your abilities to perceive more, be more, know more and receive more. The side effect will you, you naturally extend this love and awareness to everyone who comes in contact with you. Be the gift of you, by knowing your worth, your value and the truth. The truth is, you matter because you do. You are worthy because you are. No hard work required. No proving yourself required. Know your worth, change your set point and the side effect will be - you contribute to the world and All That Is. https://www.keepyourhandinyourskirtla... Amanda Frances
Rich as F*ck money book One of my top 3 favorite books. It's more than a money book, it's a book to share how to use spiritual laws of universe to actualize whatever you desire. Money principles will work on any topic. I perceive Amanda to be the real deal, her energy makes my heart sing. She is a multidimensional soul sister. Amanda is not only self made multi millionaire, but what I like even more, she calls out bullshit to programs - like 'you are too young', 'you have no entrepreneur experience', and on on on. She is will not be defined by programs. The book club play list will include me sharing pieces that I love. I share how I receive her information. Join my Keep Your Hand In Your Skirt Mindset Makeover Learn to Raise your SELF VALUE. Raise, Sustain and Repeat! Increase your self esteem and change your set point. I am thinking thoughts that do not serve me. I wish I would stop thinking about certain topics. How do I stop thinking about that person or situation?
Thought patterns. Dr Joe has amazing information to explain why I feel stuck. If you are not able to release a thought that no longer serves you, there is a great reason! Yahoo! I love it when I understand why I am having a challenge. I can let go of self judgment. Self judgment only creates more thought patterns that do not serve me. Dr Joe explains our thoughts create wiring patterns. Then our body adapts and become comfortable with that pattern. Now when you decide to pull in new thoughts, even if the new thoughts are better for your body, your body wants to stay with familiar patterns. Your body will try to pull you back. In other words, every time you introduce new and improved thoughts, there will be a period of discomfort. Having this awareness will help. We can just observe it. Open ended questions wire and re wire new patterns! Ask more and more open ended questions What if...........? Joe's videos Sabrina Youtube Sabrina's website Do your thoughts and beliefs create your reality? Or does your reality create your thoughts and beliefs?
Can both be true? If you had no judgement, could you allow both to be true. Once you have awareness, then you have choice. You can choose what works for you. Join me as I start a book club on my youtube channel, Sabrina Brightstar. Book Club Playlist. Amanda Frances Rich as F*ck book One of my top 3 favorite books. It's more than a money book, it's a book to share how to use spiritual law of universe to actualize whatever you desire. Money principles will work on any topic. I perceive Amanda to be the real deal, her energy makes my heart sing. She is my multidimensional soul sister - even though I have never talked to her. Amanda is not only self made multi millionaire, but what I like even more, is she calls out bullshit to programs - like 'you are too young', 'you have no entreapeuner experience', and on on on. She is will not be defined by programs. The book club play list will include me sharing pieces that I love. I share how I receive her information. What is your heart's desires? If you have not actualized your wishes and desires, why not? Amanda Frances book, Rich as F*ck, discusses many people will not even declare their truest desires, because if they admit it out loud, then they have to admit why they do not feel they are worthy.
Do you feel worthy? Is feeling unworthy the reason many people are not living their dream life? How do we get the mind and body to feel worthy? Marianne Williamson says “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” If we are brave enough to admit out loud our desires, then we need to bring the desired thoughts from the mental body into the physical body. Dr Joe Dispenza and Tony Robbins teach how to anchor in new patterns with priming and conditioning. Use your 5 senses - taste, smell, vision, hear and touch to help the body anchor in your desired thoughts. Clear limiting beliefs and anchor in new beliefs, emotions and patterns. Amanda Frances Access Consciousness clearing statement. Sabrina's digital courses Happy Products https://www.keepyourhandinyourskirtla... |
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